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31st May & 1st June 2025
GATES OPEN at 10.00pm
PARADE at 2.00pm
Our annual event showcases Steam Engines, Vintage Vehicles, Classic Cars and more. The event brings excitement and education to the general public.
Ring events and parades will enable all the mobile exhibits to be moved on the field (if weather conditions allow).For youngsters these steaming monsters provide both entertainment and education, a total contrast with the high-tec era of the new millennium we now live in. However, many of the older generation will remember steam rollers at work, while before the last world war steam wagons regularly pounded through St. Albans carrying long distance loads. Steam threshing was carried out at local farms, while steam tractors were used to carry stone, farm produce and even house contents within the area.
Some of these machines are now 100 years old, but have been rebuilt many times and will last forever!
Offley Recreation Centre, Offley, Hitchin SG5 3DX
3rd Wednesday of each month at 8.00pm
Monthly Society meetings are held at the Offley Recreation Centre, Kings Walden Road, Offley, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 3DX on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, but do check with us if you are coming any distance. We try and arrange a talk, film show or other entertainment usually on a steam or historical transport subject. Start time is usually about 8pm, and we plan to finish by 10. The Society AGM is usually held in November, with a social gathering in December. Visitors are welcome, we meet on licensed premises and we hope that we are a friendly crowd!
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